Want to get accused of being a fake natty with your juicy pump?
SUPERHUMAN was developed for gym enthusiasts looking for a COMPLETE pre workout formula that is MAX DOSED and OVER DELIVERS and leaves you being accused of being a fake natty.
1 Scoop of SUPERHUMAN guarantees the most ANABOLIC workout experience of your life.
100% Original Formula. Non Proprietary Blend, Max Dosed Premium Ingredients, NOTHING on the market like it.
Best of all, this formula is so complete we added an “Anti-Crash Matrix” No more crashing after taking your pre workout.
Most formulas have a really strong pump formula but are pretty weak when it comes to energy or muscular performance… or Vice Versa.
SUPERHUMAN pre workout has 4 equally strong components - and each matrix is maximum dosed.
Throw in the anti crash and absorption and you have the best pre workout on the planet and we GUARANTEE that.
Sure we could have simply had a pre workout that contains 5 or 6 fully dosed ingredients like many of the big guys do and saved our money to market all over the world.
But we so confident we created the best all round PRE WORKOUT on the planet that we know you will tell your friends and other guys at the gym about it…